Gj Case Law

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What does GJ/H/R DT011211 mean? This was in a case that I looked uo and im not sure of what the meaning is?

2013 UKUT 319. Case title: GJ and others (post-civil war: returnees) Appellant name: GJ and others Status of case: Reported Hearing date: 2 Apr 2014 Promulgation date: 5 Jul 2013. The appellant in this matter was tried in the Regional Court, Johannesburg, on two charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The first charge related to his alleged assault of his 13-year old son, M, and the second charge related to his alleged assault of his wife.

Asked on 12/27/11, 9:06 am
Gj Case Law

1 Answer from Attorneys

Cynthia HenleyCynthia Henley, Lawyer
0attorneys agreed

G Case Landscaping Naples Fl

I can guess part - GJ likely means grand jury. H may mean hearing. R might mean reset. DT may mean date. 011211 probably means January 12, 2011.

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Bound over is a term usually referring to the court's power to hold a person accused of a crime to conditions of bail. Definitions and procedures vary by jurisdiction. For example, one local definition defines bound over as 'The transfer of a felony case from the associate division to the circuit court upon finding of probable cause that the defendant committed a felony or upon waiver of the preliminary hearing by the defendant.'

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