Results Trump Biden

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Californians have picked Joe Biden over President Trump at a rate of nearly 2 to 1. While there are still some votes to be counted, here are the latest precinct results from Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura counties.

ResultsResults Trump Biden

On Tuesday, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar announced she had certified the results of the Nov. 3 election, declaring Biden the winner with a lead of more than 80,000 votes. President Donald Trump inched closer to former Vice President Joe Biden in Arizona as results from Thursday's ballot counting were released, but he fell off the pace needed to win the state's 11. The audit results showed Biden won the state with 2,475,141 votes to President Donald Trump's 2,462,857, a 12,284-vote margin. Under the initial count, Biden won by a 12,780 margin, giving Trump a.

This page was made by Iris Lee, Vanessa Martínez, Casey Miller and Rahul Mukherjee. It was published on Nov. 5, 2020. Precinct results are from county election offices.

Debate Results Trump Biden


Trump Biden Polls By State

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